Putting together a plan for a law firm’s marketing is vital to success. The most successful lawyers understand that their services are a commodity, and without effective marketing, the only thing that distinguishes you from the competition is price. You can’t compete on price alone, so it’s up to your marketing efforts to set you apart from other firms. By following these tips below, you’ll be well on your way to getting started with a killer law firm marketing plan that will make your law firm stand out from the crowd.

Create a brand

Think of your law firm as a brand. If you think of like a brand, then it needs to be treated like one. Once you’ve decided on a brand for your firm, it’s time to create an identity for it. A strong brand will help people recognize who you are and what you do, even if they’ve never met you before.

It sounds easy enough, but creating an effective brand can be challenging when there are so many other things going on in the back of your mind (like making sure all those legal documents get filed). That’s why now is the perfect time to take stock of where your business stands right now—and consider whether or not any changes need to be made for you to achieve real success down the road.

Use client referrals

One of the best ways to get new clients is through referrals. Client referrals are one of the most effective ways to build your law firm’s brand and get new clients, especially if you have a strong reputation in the community. You should encourage your existing clients to refer you to their friends and family, as well as spread the word about your services on social media.

It’s important that all of your marketing materials clearly explain how you can help each client achieve their goals so that all potential clients know what they are getting into before contacting you for help.

Social media

Social media is a great way to build your brand, share content and build your community. It also provides opportunities to drive traffic to your website, promote events and even create relationships with others in the legal industry. 

Google Business Profile

A big step to building a digital marketing strategy for your law firm is to establish a Google Business Profile. A Google Business Profile is a free service that allows you to create listings for your business on the search engine. It’s highly recommended that you do this, as it will help local customers find you when they’re searching online.

Once you’ve created a free Google Business Profile for your business, the next step is promoting it on social media and other platforms where people might find it useful. This can include Twitter and Facebook posts sharing links or reviews of your work with clients you have worked with. You can also use tools like Buffer or Hootsuite so that posting these doesn’t take up too much time every day while still being effective at reaching new audiences.

Blogging and email marketing

A blog will help you show your expertise in your field, promote your firm’s services, and build trust with potential clients. You can also help you build relationships with potential clients by providing them with valuable information on topics relevant to their needs.


It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by all the marketing options out there, but these five tips will help your law firm get started on the right foot. These tips should help you understand how important it is for your law firm to do some type of marketing now and in the future so that you can grow your business into something great.