Home security is a very important part of your home. It’s what determines how safe your valuables are, and how safe you feel as a resident of that particular home. As a homeowner, it is your responsibility to ensure that your home is as protected as it can be, and this cannot be overlooked or compromised in any way. If you’re looking for a reliable source with services and products you can use to secure your home, FirstEnergy might be a good option.

When you own a home, there are a lot of things to consider before you can start making additions to your home. These decisions cannot be random, and it is often difficult to know where to start when it comes to something as important as home security. The following tips may help you understand how to better secure your home, and give you an idea of where you can start when trying to make it a safer place to live in.

Focus on the Entrances

When thinking of home security, you must begin with the most vulnerable areas of your home and move ahead from there. This is generally any part of your home which provides access to your valuables or the home’s residents. The entrances to a home must be secured before anything else, which is why one must take security measures to add an extra layer of security to these areas first. 

The best way to improve security at your home’s entrances is by adding smart gadgets which are designed to limit access into your home. This includes gadgets such as smart doorbells and locks, which are meant to give you complete control over who enters your home at any time. Using these devices, you can remotely monitor the activity at your front door, and even design customized access codes for the entry of very specific people. For strangers, one-time access codes which are disabled after a single use are the best way to go. 

Add Visibility

It is difficult to be sure of a home’s security status unless you can clearly see everything going on both within and around it. You must be able to clearly see all parts of your home in order to monitor them, which is why certain measures must be taken to increase visibility. The first thing to improve is lighting. 

Proper lighting around your home will ensure that you are able to see things clearly, even at night. Areas like your front porch and the backyard must be well-lit, and smart lights are a good way to do this. A lot of people tend to do this by adding floodlights to the front yard to drive away intruders or adding solar-powered lights to illuminate their garden much better.

Another good way to improve visibility is by removing obstructions from windows and doors. When you are unable to see outside windows and doors clearly, it creates a place for potential intruders to hide. Make sure every glass is properly cleaned and there are no obstructions keeping you from seeing outside.

Smoke and Leak Detectors

Just as your home needs to be protected from external threats, there are certain things within it that can be just as harmful. Devices such as smoke and leak detectors are a must for any home, since they can prevent a lot of damage from occurring. With a lot of electronics in homes, as well as other potential sources of fires, you must have a good smoke/co detector, so that disasters can be avoided. This is something that could end up in you losing your home, so this precaution is mandatory for all homeowners. 

Another thing to keep in mind when it comes to protecting your home is water damage. While water leaks aren’t as common, they can cause damage which can be very costly to repair. Leak detectors placed near potential sources of leaks can help prevent this. 

Never Abandon Your Home Completely

One mistake a lot of homeowners tend to make is vacating their home completely when going to work, or even on a vacation. This leaves your home completely vulnerable to many different kinds of damage, and also leaves an opening for intruders. Fortunately, there are certain precautions you can take to avoid your home from being completely unattended in your absence. 

The first thing to remember is to maintain appearances. Make sure someone trustworthy picks up your mail and waters your plants while you are away, so as to avoid the look of a vacant home. This will give off the impact that your home is well taken care of, even when you are not present to do it yourself. Keeping the lights on for some time during the day will also give the impression of an occupied home, which may make it more secure.


Since there are many home security methods and gadgets now available for homeowners to select from, the overall process may get a little overwhelming. It is difficult to understand exactly what your home needs, and you cannot afford to take any risks with this decision. This is why it is important to plan things out and understand how you can best secure your home, without letting all your different options throw you off. It is always best to start with the basics, and these tips give you an idea of what areas of your home need to be protected the most, so you can cater to them accordingly.