VR or Virtual Reality is a computer-generated, fully digital, 3-dimensional environment which creates an immersive experience for the users. Traditionally, user interfaces allowed only viewing a screen, however, with VR, one can step inside the experience and interact with the Virtual world. 

Virtual reality is widespread today and is found in various streams including art, entertainment, architecture, sports, brand marketing etc. Various brands today allure customers by providing them a VR experience. Agencies are set up to help brands with the procedure of furnishing professional VR.  In this regard, Upreal VR agency assists with the creation of flawless and customized VR solutions. 

Virtual reality can be broadly classified into three categories which have been discussed below-

A] Non-immersive Virtual reality 

Non-immersive VR is seldom identified as a category of VR due to its connectedness to the real environment. It is commonly used in everyday life through computer or video game consoles. Non-immersive VR allows the user to have complete control and awareness of the real physical environment and as the name suggests, it is not very interactive. Non-immersive systems incorporate input devices like keyboards, mouse, controller and a computer. Non-immersive VR finds application in a lot of video games. 

B] Semi-immersive Virtual reality 

As the name indicates, semi-immersive VR provides a partially immersive experience. It allows users to remain connected to their real physical environment while giving them a perception of being in a different reality. Semi-immersive VR employs vertical reality depth, which is realism through 3D graphic. This VR is used in educational settings and for training purposes. Essential components of a Semi-immersive VR are high-resolution displays, powerful computers, projectors or hard simulators that partially replicate design and functionality of functional real-world mechanisms.

C] Fully-immersive VR 

This is the VR category that flashes before the eyes whenever the term Virtual reality is uttered. Fully-immersive VR transports you to a different reality entirely. The user is controlled by the system, which completely insulates him from the real world. It provides the most realistic simulation by engaging the senses. Full-immersive VR, however, requires advanced devices like VR glasses or a head mount display (HMD).

A stereoscopic 3D experience is created by the display, which is combined with input tracking and high resolution content to establish a believable experience. It finds applicability in gaming, entertainment, marketing, and so many other things. 

VR is continuously evolving; the possibilities for its usages are endless and its future can only be imagined!