If you want to retain your churning customers, you need to think about them differently than your other clients. Churners are often unhappy with the pricing or the service they receive from you. You can’t expect to provide an amazing experience for them and simply hope that their loyalty will pay off in the end. Instead, it takes a smart strategy that includes special offers and incentives that promote customer retention so that your customers can enjoy your products again and again—and keep referring others along with them.

Loyalty programs

A loyalty program is a tool for businesses to incentivize their customers to return, stay longer and spend more. Using a loyalty program can help you retain customers who might otherwise churn from your business and keep them coming back for more. 

To do so, you’ll want to identify what makes your brand unique. To narrow this down, ask yourself the following questions: What sets your business apart from competitors? Are there any aspects of the customer experience that make it particularly memorable or pleasant? When customers leave, what would they miss if they never returned?

After you have pinpointed the answers to these questions, the next step is to determine which actions should earn points in your loyalty program. Whether it’s buying something specific or placing an order through certain channels, you’ll want to identify which actions should earn points so that you can offer bonus rewards at the right time—such as discounts on purchases when a customer reaches a certain point total in the program or free shipping after spending over $100 with the retailer.

To further enhance your loyalty porgram, you should also create ways for customers who participate in the loyalty program to redeem those points for something meaningful and valuable like coupon codes or exclusive products only available directly through you.

Make smart offers they can’t refuse

If you’re looking for a way to keep from churning customers, the best place to start is by making smart offers that are hard for them to refuse.

If your offer is excellent, customers that may have churned wil;l love your offer and be extremely excited about it, This is because they aren’t happy with the product or service they have now, they won’t be willing to pay more money until something better comes along. 

As such, your offer must be exceptional. If it isn’t worth paying more than what they’re currently paying right now (or if there’s no price increase), then no matter how amazing your offer sounds, there will always be another provider who can provide just as much value at a lower cost. If you don’t give a great retention offer, then someone else could win over your clientele instead of allowing you to buildi up loyalty with them.

Include upsells and cross-sells in your strategy

Upselling and cross-selling are two great customer retention strategies that can help you win back your churning customers.

Upselling is the process of offering a customer an upgraded version of what they’re currently buying, whether it be in form, quality, or quantity. For example, if a customer orders a regular coffee at Starbucks and you offer them an upgrade to a Grande for only $1 more, then this would be considered an upsell (the larger size). Cross-selling is similar but involves selling additional products related to the original product being purchased. For instance, if a person buys some socks from your online store and you offer them some boots as well as related accessories as add-ons – that’s cross-selling.

Outreach and use of social media

Social media is a great way to reach out to customers and engage with them. Use social media to share information about your company, answer questions from customers, and provide help in solving problems. If you have an app or website, offer users exclusive content (such as training videos) by giving them a code that they can use when signing up. You can also offer incentives for referrals using social media platforms such as Facebook or Twitter, which will send an email notification when someone follows your link and makes a purchase on your site or app.


Customer retention is an important part of any business. The better job you do at retaining customers, the less money and time you have to spend on acquiring new ones. These four strategies will give you some great ideas for how to turn churning customers into loyal fans.