We are now in the modern world where there are plenty of communication channels. Social media platforms are left and right, and almost all people have social media accounts to ensure they get connected to the world. However, although the number of digital communication channels continues to rise, email remains undisputed. It is still one of the preferred communication channels by many people, both for personal and professional use.

A huge number of people check their emails every day, but one of the major concerns is the accuracy of email. The truth of the matter is that only 10% of collected emails are correct, and it is not intentional either. It is mostly caused by human error. If you are running a business that heavily depends on social media reach, you need to ensure that the emails collected are correct. Hence, the need for an email validation service.

The Need For Email Validation

Email marketing is one of the most effective means of marketing products and services. About 70% of consumers across the globe check their emails more than once a day, which makes email marketing all the more effective. In fact, it is 40 times more effective than other social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook combined. If you want your business to reach more potential clients, you need to pay special attention to your email marketing efforts.

From a consumer perspective, it is known that about 60% of consumers provide incorrect email details intentionally, according to Marketing Week. Approximately 10% of the emails provided are invalid.

The Significance Of Verifying Email Addresses  

To Help Eliminate The Number Of Hard Bounces –

There is a growing number of hard bounces, and the primary reason for hard bounces is that the email no longer exists. It could also be a fictitious email address or that the email address was already closed by the user.

To Reduce Spam Incidents –

Spam incidents, although they cannot be totally avoided, can be reduced to a significant extent. For best practice, there should be fewer than five spam complaints for every 5,000 email messages.

Blacklist –

If the email is blacklisted, it will stop receiving messages from any source because the server will automatically stop it.

Keeping your email address data clean

Data Quality Should Be Observed At All Times –

It is important to ensure that your email address list is cleaned regularly through the use of a top-notch email validation tool. What this tool does is identify old and incorrect email addresses and automatically remove them from the system. It will automatically validate old and newly acquired email addresses, so any errors in email addresses and fake accounts will be screened right away.

Make It A Habit To Review Your Data Base On A Regular Basis –

It is a must to review your database to know who among your subscribers are still active and inactive, and do the necessary steps to remove those unengaged ones. If the user has not open his/her email for the past three months, you have to remove it. It will keep your email database clean.